Thank you Mom!

We are celebrating this Mother’s Day by sharing tributes to our moms from a few of the Goodson team members.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Tim Fast

My mother has taught me so many things it’s honestly hard to narrow it down. But if I have to, it would be cooking. I have always enjoyed cooking with her and learning how to make so many different meals from scratch. She is the best cook I know and I am honored that I have learned from the best.

Melanie Scott

Once a year, me, my mom, and my sister go on a weekend trip to Brown County in Indiana. It is a small shopping town with lots of rustic “mom ‘n pop” shops and small businesses that are run out of old houses. We usually spend the weekend just wandering around, enjoying each other’s company, and making frequent jokes about any unusual items we find! We always end up having a great time and growing closer during these trips. I really look forward to it every year!

Alex Thomas

Among the many lessons I’ve learned from my Mom, one that really sticks with me each & every day is to just not take life so seriously & just enjoy each moment for what it is, not just what it could be or could’ve been. Through a long battle with double kidney failure, her consistent positivity & ability to maintain a sense of normalcy throughout the worst of times was definitely something to admire & is something I still reflect on often. 

I’m indescribably thankful for this experience in so many ways and happy to say that I’m able to spend another Mother’s Day with my Mom –– Healthy as ever! –– thanks to a perfectly timed, “perfect match” kidney transplant (5 Years ago as of June 8th, 2022!!).

Brett Kavanagh

Happy Mother’s Day to my most amazing mother. Where would I be without your guiding love, patience, kindness, and wisdom? I consider it a true blessing to be called your son and to be celebrating the 31st Mother’s Day with you. Thank you for raising me to be the man I am today and for continuing to teach me as I carve my way through this crazy world. You are loved more than you know!

Ross Gagliardi

One of my favorite memories among many that I’ve made with my mom is going to my second Steelers playoff game with her back in 2016. The Bengals had scored 16 points in the 4th quarter to take the lead 15-16 and with just 14 seconds left in the game, we were able to make it down the field and win the playoff game with a field goal. Of course, being in Cincinnati we had to get out of the stadium asap after winning, but the experience of going to that game with her was incredible. The bond I share with my mom through our love for the Steelers is one of my favorite bonds that I share with anyone in this world.

We are all incredibly lucky to have those who we can call mom in our lives. My mom is an incredibly caring, dependable and strong woman who I look at not only as a parental figure, but also as a best friend. She had my back before I had my own and for that I am eternally grateful. 

Love you mom!

Mandy Fast

My mom has such a kind, giving soul. She gets the biggest smile when she can help someone out or volunteer to serve at events, and she works hard, even after retirement!
One of my favorite traditions with her, ever since I was a kid, is that she always makes me a pineapple upside-down cake for my birthday.

Landon Wade

I think the thing I’ve learned most from my Mom is sacrifice.  She’s sacrificed for me and for my sisters from the beginning.  Doing things we saw and many more we didn’t see.  She even got a job at a university with an eye toward helping me pay for a college degree she never had, years before college was even a thought in my mind.  She’s always put us ahead of herself and I appreciate that and hope to model it in my own life.  Happy Mother’s Day Mom!

While I’m at it, I have to talk about my beautiful wife and the mother of my 3 beautiful daughters.  Rebecca is truly an amazing human being, she’s incredibly smart, funny, and caring.  She’s the partner God had for me no doubt and I’m thankful every day that I get to do life side by side with her.  Happy

Mothers Day Rebecca!

Buck Wade

We were visiting my mom and dad one day and mom was busy texting back and forth with

One of her sisters- giggling like crazy every time she got a text sent back her way.

I asked her to share what was so funny which she did and then told me she had texted

back “WTF”. I asked my mom, “what do you think WTF means?!”

She replied “Way Too Funny. Why do you ask?”

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